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- World of Escapes
- Sobe za bijeg u Split
- Diocletian's Lost Treasure
Imagine an escape game with no walls, played in the streets of Diocletian Palace. We’ve kind of turned the Diocletian Palace into a big escape room, where puzzles combine real city landmarks and our custom made objects. All of the puzzles and riddles are specifically designed to be fun and encourage you to explore Diocletian Palace and city of Split. This way, not only that you will play a fun and exciting game, but you will be sightseeing iconic landmarks and learning about the history of Split, while playing!
Imajte na umu da "World of Escapes" pruža samo informativne usluge o aktivnostima projekta i nije organizator igre. Portal nema mogućnost provjere kvalitete pruženih usluga te se sve informacije o projektu prikupljaju iz javno dostupnih izvora.