Na istoj lokaciji
Diocletian was a famous Roman emperor who built a magnificent palace in the most beautiful part of the Mediterranean, in the heart of Split, 1700 years ago, just a few kilometers from Salona where he was born. Time travelers cursed of this cruel persecutor of Christians end up in his cellars, and the only way to save themselves is to pay his wife Priska for freedom in pure gold.You’ll have to find eight heavy gold plates in just 75 minutes, escape from his cellars, kneel in front of his invincible legionnaires, and finally solve Priska’s last puzzle, but only if you have found all of the hidden gold. Without gold, there is no way out. Diocletian gave you 75 minutes and 4 hints for your last ancient adventure. Those of you who fail will be thrown to the lions and will never see the light of the day again.
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